Darragh O Conaill teaches you how to sweep anyone!

Darragh O Conaill is one of Ireland’s best coaches and competitors, in his second ever digital download, Darragh breaks down his X-Guard. Over his 13+ years of BJJ teaching and competing, Darragh has mastered this position and made it a staple of his game. Learn entries from standing, the seated guard, the waiter sweep and how to transition to the fishnet. Take your X Guard to the next level!

Course Curriculum

13 Individual Lesson

  • 01

    X Guard Masterclass

Who Is Darragh O Conaill?

Instructor Bio:

Being one of the most experienced grapplers in his training room since the Purple belt. Darragh took it upon himself to learn from the best grapplers around the world. Traveling all over to learn and compete. He would also watch endless amounts of technique and competition videos while home in Ireland. He developed a unique game creating his own unique positions and variations of existing techniques. Always open to a challenge, Darragh took on absolute divisions and any ruleset of competition. These experiences influenced him to become an efficient grappler who chases the submission. Because Darragh has coached for most of his grappling career, he has learned how to best breakdown and explain his grappling techniques.

Darragh O Conaill

Speciality - Sweeps & Chokes

What To Expect

Game Changing Details

  • Systematic course structure

  • Quality production value

  • Learn the most effective sweeps from X Guard

  • Professional sound

  • Filmed from two angles

  • Backed by thousands of students from around the world.


Real reviews from real students

Erin Meehan

5 star rating

“Well-structured and easy to follow. A variety of entries and sweeps are explained in depth, as well as key details to improve the X-Guard while progressing position. Perfect for learning from 0 (like me) or fine-tuning to make your X-Guard more ef...”

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“Well-structured and easy to follow. A variety of entries and sweeps are explained in depth, as well as key details to improve the X-Guard while progressing position. Perfect for learning from 0 (like me) or fine-tuning to make your X-Guard more efficient and progressive.”

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  • I'm new to JiuJitsu, is this instructional good for me?

    Yes! this instructional is great for both beginners looking to build a solid foundation on the X Guard position and also for advanced players who want to take their X Guard game to the next level. Darragh has an incredibly detailed understanding of the position!

  • Is this a physical copy (DVD)?

    This course is 100% digital and is available for streaming on all devices.

  • When will I see results?

    Every lesson in this course is full of actionable concepts & techniques. As soon as you start practicing & implementing the techniques you will see major improvements.